The users with the field of e-commerce must be known of Magento. This is very popular and one of the top open source e-commerce platform, which is being used by numerous online stores. It is well recommended by e-commerce professionals all around the world due to its user-friendly support for all exertions of e-commerce globe. In this post we have gathered 20 free Magento themes that you can download and use for your own e-commerce projects.
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All posts in themes
20 Free High Quality Magento Templates for Your E-commerce Projects
50 Beautiful And Amazing Free Joomla Templates
Today you talk about having a website and the term CMS would start having rounds in your mind. There was a time when people used get the designing and the coding of a site from different people, but CMS’s have made life easier for the website developers. One of the most used and widely anticipated of the many CMS’s is Joomla. Whenever there is a need to develop a big, robust website Joomla would be one of the most preferred solutions. Today Joomla is being used to a very great extent ranging from small business website to bigger and more complex websites. Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
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40 Brilliant Free Magento Themes 2010 Edition
The Magento is a powerful open source ecommerce platform that you can for your ecommerce store website, Its modular architecture and unprecedented flexibility means your business is no longer constrained by your eCommerce platform. As with most things, I have gathered a collection of most quality, beautiful, FREE Magento Themes for You. These themes provide the professional look for your store desige.
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The Ultimate Tumblr Toolbox
These days Tumblr has turned the question, “What can it do?” to “What can’t it do?”. Tumblr’s simplicity, refined user interface and streamlined approach are some of the reasons for its skyrocketing popularity among geeks and the masses alike.
As Tumblr has become one of the most popular blogging platforms online, we’ve put together a list of useful resources that can help you enhance your tumblog and the micro-blogging experience in general.
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18 Awesome Free Thematic Child Themes
Thematic is a WordPress Theme Framework that gives you all sorts of options for customizing your WordPress theme in a super-smart, bulletproof fashion. Better yet,it’s Free. We’ve compiled a list of 18 Awesome Free Thematic Child Themes.
Note: In order to install a Thematic Child Theme, you have to download the Thematic Theme (from which this child theme inherits all of the functionality), upload both themes to your server in the themes folder and then activate the child Theme.
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30+ Absolutely Free Drupal Themes
Softwares of all sorts are now utilized in the web world for bloggers and website owners to easily manage, publish and organize a wide variety of content on a website. To date, numerous softwares have been introduced in the market for bloggers to choose from… Drupal– a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users- is one of these newly established softwares that can give an array of services to bloggers andd website owners alike.
For designers and bloggers utlizing this same cms, allow us to introduce to you, a collection of free drupal themes to accessorize and design your blog. Feel free to pick one of these cool themes as compiled by yours truly and created by designers all over the web… Take the time to browse through the entire collection!!! Enjoy!!! Read more…
30 Free Joomla Website Themes Collection
Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. In this article you can download 30 different type of Joomla Themes absolutely free.
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40 Stunning Premium and Free Tumblr themes
In our first installment in the Tumblr series, we took a look at what Tumblr actually is, and what it does. The article finished off by showing 4 fantastic custom themes that have been created by some awesome designers for use on their Tumblr blogs. In this instalment, I want to show you 20 fantastic free Tumblr themes that will get you started on your Tumblr blog. Then I’m going to show you 20 fantastic premium Tumblr themes, for those of you that want that quality feel to your Tumblr blog, but with little effort from yourself! Here goes…
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30 Stunning Free Themes for
Blogger is a free blogging platform which is run and maintained by Google. Blogger was probably the first platform which gave people, the freedom of setting up their own blog in a very simple and effective way. Since the starting days of it’s introduction, there have been hundreds and thousands of blogs that were created by people all around the globe.
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8 Beautiful Well Designed Premium Tumlbr Themes
Tumblr, a microblogging platform which allow you to post text, links, images, quotes, audio and videos to your tumblelog. Same as Twitter, you can follow other users and see their posts on your dashboard.
Few weeks back, we posted an article about Tumblr themes and how designers are coming up with new design themes as Tumblr popularity is increasing. Today we will share some “Beautiful Well Designed Tumblr Themes” to enhance your tumblog.
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Getting Started with Tumblr & Custom Theme Design
Websites powered by Tumblr (or Tumblelogs , or tlogs) are becoming increasingly popular. Tumblr fills the gap between Twitter and the full blog, allowing users to post short updates in text, video, photo, link, chat, quote and audio formats quickly and easily. Let’s take a look at the basics of what Tumblr is, and how to get a tumblelog of your own up and running.
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Noel Battiston: Nice collection of brochures, these are awesome designs! I'm looking f...
applesweb: i am really studying on how to “make a website look pretty”. well, tha...
LTR: Thx!...
Andrew: combining jquery with wordpress make beautiful blog that i ever see :)...
entertainment: great website design.. creative work ... thank you.....