Making money blogging is a common dream to many bloggers. But sadly, only a few bloggers actually make money from blogging. The fact that you will … [Read more…]
10 Most Useful Google Plugins for WordPress
WordPress is a great and most popular blogging platform for it possibility to extend functions with plugins. WordPress Plugins make blogging easier … [Read more…]
12 Useful Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers
Facebook is one of the most popular social networking websites. There are a lot of information exchanges happen daily through Facebook. So, some … [Read more…]
10 WordPress plugins for developers
One of the good points of WordPress is its community: There are a million of WordPress plugins dedicated to achieve almost tasks. For this article, I … [Read more…]
Display Thumbnail Related Posts on WordPress blog.
First of all we would like to thank Ajay Dsouza for allowing to use his WordPress plugin Contextual Related Posts. Entire Wp-Thumbie Plugin is based … [Read more…]
30 WordPress Plugins To Help You Improve Your Sidebar
Nowadays almost everyone has a WordPress powered website, but not everyone has a professional build blog. To build a professional blog you have to … [Read more…]
13 great wordpress plugins to power up your admin area
WordPress plugins are a great way to enhance and optimize your blog. In addition to adding more features to your actual blog, there are also a lot of … [Read more…]
10 WordPress Plugins That Every WordPress Blog Needs
I’ve never been a fan of plugins that do a job you could quite easily do yourself. For example, why use the All in One SEO Pack when you can have your … [Read more…]
33 WordPress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment Section
As always I am trying to mix up topics I cover and this can be considered as continue to previous article. Last time we got inspired and examined many … [Read more…]
15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Aspiring Designers
If you want to show off your web design credentials to the world, then WordPress is the perfect blogging platform to use: it’s simple, accessible and … [Read more…]
Create a Community Blog with 10 WordPress Plugins
Unless you want to reinstall WordPress completely to start using WordPress MU, these 10 plugins are great for adding community to a WordPress blog. … [Read more…]
10 Must-Have Plugins for Your WordPress Design Blog
WordPress is used by bloggers and content managers everywhere. It’s particularly popular amongst the web design blogging scene, mainly for it’s ease … [Read more…]
15+ Free WordPress Photo Gallery Plugins
let’s not neglect some of the WordPress Plugins which have taken the bare bones of the WordPress gallery feature and turned it into magic. The … [Read more…]
35 Stylish And Modern WordPress Plugins Using jQuery UI
In this post you’ll find out about very flexible and stylish WordPress plugins, which are based on Jquery UI. For a long time now jQuery has been very … [Read more…]