With so many different blogging platforms available, it can be difficult to decide which platform to choose. However, no matter what platform you use, there are certain aspects you need to consider and include in your blog design plans. Below are some of the most important features of a blog that you need to get right, so that it functions properly and looks as professional as possible.
Unfortunately, many blogs look like they have been thrown together without much thought being put into them. This is very unprofessional and can even damage the reputation and image of the website owner.
The wide range of premium and free blog themes that are available for blogging platforms means there should be no excuse for a website owner to have a poorly laid out website. The design should be clean, with plenty of white space and website visitors should be able to easily find the content they are looking for when they visit.
Color Scheme
Branding is becoming more important as more individuals and organizations use the internet. The color scheme used in your marketing materials and website play an important role in the success of your brand. Your logo, marketing materials and website should all complement each other, so that online users become familiar with your brand and the colors you use.
Relevant, High Quality Images
The increased use of the internet has meant that graphic designers are in high demand. There is a good reason for this. These professionals are able to design images that make a website come to life. Headers, banners and other website images make people more aware of what you have to offer them and can even persuade your website visitors to take the actions you want them to take.
Calls to Action
When shoppers or other types of website visitors land on a website, the website owner usually wants these individuals to take some kind of action. Some website owners want these people to buy their products or services, some want these visitors to subscribe to an email list and others want their content to be shared with other people.
To make these people do what you want them to do, you have to add a strong and specific call to action. Some blogging platforms include call to action widgets that clearly state the actions they want visitors to take, so it is relatively easy to add this feature throughout a modern blog.
Fonts and Text Size
Text is still the most powerful way to communicate with most online audiences. When you design a website it should be easy to read all of the content you publish. This means you may need to change the text font on your website to a more reader-friendly font and increase the size of the text that appears on a blog.
When someone visits a blog it should be a straightforward and pleasant experience. Many blogs don’t achieve these goals, but making the changes above can fix this problem in a short amount of time.
anwesha says
good guide for new designers like me…