Apple iTunes Store has over 800,000 apps – try to wrap your head around the figure! Even Google Play has almost 700,000 apps. How difficult is it run into one person your know in a crowd of 40,000 or 50,000 spectators in a stadium? Now imagine how difficult it is for users who are just browsing the app stores to come across your app. Close to zero.
It is imperative for you to market and promote your app through different channels to help it rise above the clutter. There’s a lot you can do: get the app reviewed by tech bloggers, get the print media interested, make a YouTube video about your app, etc. But one of the most important promotional actions is developing a website about the app. When a user searches for the app, he should see the website. When he enters the website, he should get all the information he wants.
So, how do you create a website that informs, instructs and inspires the smartphone owners to download you application? Here’s how:
Make it Human
Most mobile application websites follow the same pattern: a few screenshots of the app pages and a few lines detailing the specifications. And maybe, just maybe, a sprinkling of marketing tag lines. While this helps users determine what the app will look in their smartphone and how it will work, it doesn’t inspire the potential users.
By adding videos of people who are using the app in their smartphones, you can give a better idea of what the app is like. If it is not feasible to add videos, add images of people using the app – the personal touch will make the viewers visualize the app in their own hands and increase the chances of their installing it in their phones. By infusing personality and emotion in your design, you can make the website more relatable and friendly.
Make it Fun and Interesting
Most users can’t make much sense of pages filled with numbers and pithy details about features. Don’t let your app website be too technical or informative. Sure, for complex apps, you will need pages dedicated to explaining what actions users can perform and how.
But if you wish to inspire the users to download and install your app, you need to make it fun. Talk about the story behind the app, talk about how the app was built, or talk about a real, human situation in which the app is used in a fun and interesting way. For instance, if you are selling a productivity app, don’t just tell the users how it allows to save time. Relate it to the fact that the user doesn’t have enough time and how hard it is to manage time. Then, talk about your app and how it makes a positive difference to life of the users.
Avoid Information Overload
There can be too much of a good thing. So, even if you create a lovely page that tells a great story about your app, you won’t attract the users if it is too long. Say it fast! Convey all the information speedily through images, tiny paragraphs and bullets. Websites that are promoting mobile apps need to be short, sweet and to the point.
Also keep in mind that most mobile users may be viewing your website though their mobiles. For most mobile users, the purpose is to accomplish a lot of tasks in as little time as possible. So avoid all clutter and prominently display only bare minimum information.
Tell them to Download It
The people who end up on your app websites are there because they read about your app or were looking for services or features that your app provides. Your aim should not be to simply provide information about your app – you should try your best to persuade the visitors to download the app. Add call-to-action buttons at all the important places in the website and tell your users to download the app.
Summing Up
Writing a simple and fun copy, placing images of real people using the app, including story elements and creating powerful call-to-action suggestions will increase the effectiveness of your app website. Making the website mobile friendly will help you to appeal to the most important segment of your visitors. Infusing fun design elements and humor will allow you to pique the interest of viewers. Giving away some freebies can help the idea of your mobile app stay fresh in the minds of the users.
Creating a website for your app is actually a pretty straightforward task. All you need is clarity, simplicity and a creative way of conveying your point. Add a dash of humor to this mix and you have built a superb website for promoting apps.
Author Bio: Sebastian Atwell works for PerceptiveWebDesign, a leading mobile application development company. He enjoys working on different aspects of app marketing, and he loves it when his apps get great downloads from the app stores.