Birds are fascinating creatures; small yet powerful, epitomizing grace and agility. They display a range of colors and expressions. Moreover, certain birds characterize particular qualities. Everyone identifies with similes such as “as wise as an owl”, “as proud as a peacock” and “as graceful as a swan”. All these parallels can be used in a logo to represent various aspects of the company. In some logos, the national bird of the country where the brand originated is used to make a strong association between the two. Check out some best bird logos:
1. Twitter
This logo has the shape of a small bluebird on a plain white background, popularly known as “Twitter Bird”. Its head is facing upwards to reach out to other birds, which is symbolic of the mission of this social networking company. The fact that it is looking away from the ground reflects a broader perspective, and also implies endless possibilities and the freedom of speech. The outline of the bird is created from three sets of overlapping circles, representing how the network, interests and ideas merge harmoniously on Twitter. Since this bird has become synonymous with the brand, the name present on the earlier logo has been removed.
2. NBC
At first glance, you can see a set of colorful feathers spread out like a fan. But if you look closely, you will see the white peacock in the center, which was more prominent in earlier versions of NBC’s logo. The choice of bird symbolizes pride in the brand image. Its head turned to the right indicates that the company is looking at the future. The three primary and three secondary colors used are indicative of the channel’s richness in color broadcasts, while their total of six equals the number of the company’s main divisions.
A yellow bird resembling a swan lies inside a yellow circle, against a dark blue background. This bird is called “Silver Kris” and has built up a strong association with the brand name. Its wings are drawn in three straight, bold lines and it is facing the right, which indicates the forward-thinking attitude of the airline.
Here we have two capital letters “A”, with an eagle above their point of intersection. The bird is native to America, where the airline originated; it also stands for dominance in the air. The red and blue colors are taken from the American flag. Overall, the logo creates a strong patriotic image for the company and strikes a chord with its customers.
5. Lufthansa
The name Lufthansa is derived from two Sanskrit words “Lupth” and “Hansa” meaning disappearing crane. This logo has a yellow crane flying high in the air surrounded by a yellow circle, against a dark blue background. The idea “free as a bird” is brought to mind with this effective design. It also compares the technical superiority of the airlines to the flying prowess of the bird. The simple yet bold lines stand for clarity, reliability and safety.
The eagle is a bird of many accomplishments. It can soar very high at great speed and has sharp eyesight. This spread eagle logo depicts the supremacy and high quality of the Emporio Armani clothing line. The horizontal white lines across the black body create a sense of style. The initials “GA” of the designer Giorgio Armani are written in white within the body of the eagle; they manage to stand out against the background.
7. Chick-Fil-A
The first letter of the brand name “C” is cleverly drawn as a chicken with a beak and a crest. A bright red is used for the image and the lettering, to catch the eye of customers. The whole design is kept very simple and straight forward, thereby promising the same qualities in the restaurant. What you see is what you get.
The logo has the picture of a black and brick red falcon outlined in silver, which is also designed to resemble the capital letter “F” for Falcons in the team’s name. The falcon is a bird of power and aggression; qualities that this American football team want to portray to their rivals and their fans.
9. Stabilo
Since the family name Schwan of the German founders of Stabilo translates to swan, this bird has been used in the company’s logo. A white swan sits gracefully within a white circle on a striking red background.
10. Dove
The logo of this cosmetic company is a dove in silhouette. Its original color was golden, but keeps changing based on the ad campaign or the individual product. The symbol of a dove is one of simplicity and femininity. The product range is portrayed as gentle and pure, resulting in soft hair and skin. The design of this logo exudes sophistication and encourages customers to associate themselves with this brand.
11. Smirnoff
Being a drink of Russian origin, the bird and crown on the Smirnoff logo is borrowed from the Russian Coat of Arms. The red and silver colors stand for youth and vibrancy and are meant to grab attention. The high quality of the alcohol is reflected by the crown, while the hard edges of the bird’s image indicate movement.
12. Froot Loops
“Toucan Sam” is the mascot for Froot Loops and is the center of their logo. The company has taken advantage of the sharp sense of smell of the toucan and its ability to talk in marketing their product; in the advertisements, the cartoon of the bird is able to locate a pack of Froot Loops from anywhere. This colorful, playful logo is popular with kids, who form the main target customer segment.
13. American Eagle
This North American clothing line wanted a logo that would be highly patriotic. What better symbol than the native bird, the eagle. This logo is a silhouette of the bird in flight, with its keen eyesight indicating the clear focus of the company and its sharp talons indicating aggression.
14. Nestle
The surname of the founder Henri Nestle translates to “little nest” and this is exactly what the company has used as its logo over the years. They produce nutritious products for children, so the nest is shown to contain a mother thrush and two baby thrushes. Their number was initially three, which got reduced to two to depict the typical size of the modern family. This logo also portrays that the company cares for its customers, like the loving mother bird. The nest is placed on an oak tree to represent strength and stability of the brand.
15. Swarovski
A graceful swan is drawn with its head bent and its wings glittering with crystals. Its eye is also formed of the same sparkle. The color grey is chosen because it is midway between black and white; it is a neutral shade that is pleasing to the eye and gives a cool feel, while being elegant. This logo commands respect and reflects the authority of the 100-year old company in its field.
16. Pelikan
The logo has a mother pelican feeding its two babies in a bowl. It represents a family, and this creative art products company wants to bring out the importance of family values, which they hold in high esteem. The drawings are in white and placed on a solid blue circle, with the brand name written in blue to the left of the logo.
17. Antarctica
The letter “a” in small case, which is the initial of the company name, is designed in the shape of a penguin. This bird is immediately associated with Antarctica and the rounded lines add to its cuteness. This logo is so effective in its simplicity and truly depicts the meaning of the name.
18. Iron Duck
This logo of this clothing manufacturer is so simple yet an innovative genius; it consists of a hanger in the shape of a duck. The bent book of the hanger forms the duck’s face, with the brand name written below the logo. The drawing and the text are in white, which stands out against the black background.
19. Art Film
A reel of film is folded in the shape of a bird in flight. This origami art indicates creativity. Many bright colors are used in the logo of the bird to indicate vivid, entertaining cinema. There is a shadow of the bird on the ground, symbolizing that the ideas in the films are well-grounded and based on practical aspects of life.
20. Kiwi
This is a shoe polish brand that originated in Australia, but the founder’s wife hailed from New Zealand. He named his product after the native bird of this country, the kiwi. The logo has this white bird standing over the brand name, against a red background outlined in gold.
These best bird logos have made smart and optimum use of the feathered creatures to bring out either the brand name, the most important attributes of the company or the country with which it is primarily associated. Many airline companies use bird logos since they can easily compare the airplane to the flight of a bird. But other industries have also employed bird logos in a visually appealing and effective manner.