From the moment a child comes out from the mother’s womb, he adjusts himself with the environment surrounding us. He constantly experiments to learn ways to find solutions for the different problems that he comes across. Thus his informal education starts from the day he is born in his quest to live up with the challenges that come on his way. However, a child’s formal education starts from the time he starts going to an institution where he is taught specific things in accordance with a specific curriculum by the teaching learning process. In these formative years of the child’s life, the educational institution he is attending plays an important role in influencing his thought process, attitude, behavior and other vital aspects of life.
Therefore, choosing the right educational institution for your child is extremely important. Reputation is an important yardstick that helps parents a lot in choosing the right institution for their children. However, the institutions must also take up the initiative to present their brand name in a beautiful fashion so that it sends across positive vibes to the clients who are sending their child to the educational institution. The logo of the educational institutions plays an important role in branding an institution and speaks a lot about its integrity and veracity.
Here are twenty five amazing educational logo designs that speak a lot about the integrity of these educational institutions. The logo designers can draw inspiration from these examples to create equally awesome educational logo designs. Enjoy!!
3. A logo for online education
5. Lock-up for The Grotto School