Or, as it would happen, fashion enters the world of 3D printing (see additive manufacturing). For those not familiar with 3D printing here’s a quick run-down. The one thing to understand is that 3D printers add one layer onto the previous one. Thus the ‘additive’ in additive manufacturing. There are many ways that layers can be added, and so you’ll hear terms like “selective laser sintering (or SLS)” or “layered deposition” etc. Each speaks to a method of placing a material where the printer wants it and then getting it to stay there.
Now that we have a basic understanding let’s take a look at some of the things that have been cropping up in the fashion industry that utilize 3D printers.
The first is Hoon Chung, a shoe designer from the United Kingdom.
Next up is the Hyphae ring from Nervous System. Nervous System allows designers to create their own jewelry and have it printed professionally.
Here we have an artistic study done by Liz Ciokajlo utilizing 3D printing for the sole of the wedge.
This design is inspired by avian bone structure. The heel of this shoe incorporates the beak of a bird, and the rest of the structure follows similarly.
Photography by http://www.thomasvanschaik.com/
Here is the Melonia Shoe by designers Souzan Youssouf and Naim Josefi. From Souzan Youssouf’s website: “When giving people the freedom of choice we hope to nourish their imagination and at the same time be more responsible for their material usage.”
The Rapidform shoe was designed by artist Chau Har Lee and has been shown at galleries since 2011.
Victoria Spruce is a footwear designer based in London.
If you have any questions, comments, or know of any amazing 3D printed things we would love to hear about them! Who knows, we may just do a feature on something you mention! Until then, stay safe, and enjoy your day.