Branding involves creating your company’s visual identity. What colors will choose to represent your brand? What will your logo be like?
Your company’s logo defines your business’s purpose and the way it will be perceived by others. How can you create a logo that is timeless and attractive, and that accurately represents your brand?
Creating the Perfect Logo
Your logo defines your company and will establish brand recognition. It’s important to get your logo right the first time.
Several graphic designers specialize in logo design. However, you can also make a logo by using online logo creators, which generators are a great option if you want a professional logo at a fraction of the price. Enter important information regarding your company and products/services. Choose from a variety of examples which you can customize thereafter. Even if you’re not a graphic designer, you do have the power to create your company’s visual identity. The following branding tips will help you throughout the design and conception of your logo.
Keep it Simple
Less is more. Keeping elements simple when designing your logo is a must. Not only is a minimalistic approach timeless, your message also becomes easier to convey. Your logo should be easy to read on either small or large screens, or on small or large printed material such as business cards and billboards, for example.
Avoid Fads
Even though you will eventually need to update your logo according to your brand’s image, a logo should pass the test of time. When designing your logo think of how it could be perceived in 10 years from now. Will it still be fresh and up to date, or will it be outdated?
The Effects of Colour
Can color affect the image of your brand? It most definitely can! Choosing a colour scheme that accurately represents your company is crucial. Color is a very powerful tool. Every color conveys its own sentiment and meaning. It not only affects how your customers see your business, but it also affects your employees, investors, distributors, and anyone interacting with your company.
How can you choose the appropriate colors for your company? Start by asking yourself the following questions:
What adjectives best describe your brand? Examples can be; ecological, professional, creative, trustworthy.
Who is your target market? Depending on who your market is, different colours can symbolise different things. Green can represent prosperity to investors or a, ecological product to families. Certain colors can have a negative impact on certain target markets. Culture also affects the way colors are interpreted. In this article, the interpretations are listed based on western culture, but if you plan to market to eastern cultures, you might want to do a little research first.
What effect do you want your brand to have on your consumers? Are you seeking to encourage trust, get them excited, or making them happy?
What reaction do you want people to have when they see your brand? Do you want to create an immediate response, like buying your product now? Or are you looking for a long-term commitment from your customers, like changing their mindset to be more ecological?
With these answers in mind, pinpoint more precisely which color scheme represents your brand best. The following chart can be used as a reference for the emotion conveyed by colors:
Choose What’s Most Appropriate
Your brand colors must be appropriate for your product, and it must be visually appealing. For example, if you sell bottled water, you probably won’t go for a brown color scheme. You wouldn’t drink brown water, so don’t advertise it in brown. You’ll probably choose blue, white or green, which are more representative of your product, and more appealing to your customers. On the other hand, if you sell wooden tables, then brown is more appropriate than blue, as your customer’s associate wood with the color brown.
Warm and Cool Colors
Cool colors relax people and make the time seem to pass faster. Use them if your customers need to process a lot of information on your website. Bright, warm colors spur to action but make time seem to pass slower. Use them if you want your customers to act now, make an immediate decision.
Get Creating!
With these tips in mind, creating the perfect logo and color scheme for your company won’t be a problem. Whether you hire a professional or use an online tool, you are the one making the final decision as to which logo will become the trademark of your company. Study your market, and become familiar with your company’s goals and vision. The design of your logo is just the first step in branding and marketing your product.