Most anyone who works on the web and has built a website that has used WordPress, loves it. But like anything else, it has its issues, and there are some that those new to WP (& even some of us who aren’t!) – must be made aware of. Here are some of the lessons on WordPress to keep in mind.
WordPress is a great platform for creating websites. It is easy to use and with a bit of knowledge one can customize it almost indefinitely. But no matter how experienced we might be, there is always something new to learn or perhaps, something so basic that we have already forgotten. This article shows you some of the key points that increase the … InstantShift
No Matter How Big You Are, Things CAN Go Wrong! goes down, taking millions of blogs (and us) with it
VentureBeat Unfortunately, had a little issue today — which means that VIP did too — taking down, along with more than a few other tech blogs. That’s the second time in four days has had performance issues. We use … all 2 news articles »…More at goes down, taking millions of blogs (and us) with it – VentureBeat |
Just as in any other platform, WordPress too has a few quirky issues that require attention. Here are a couple of WordPress SEO solutions to common problems that could help you out. In case you require your WordPress site ……More at Multilingual Site Implementation and Permalink Changes for …
There are really only three different types of platforms that most sites are based off of: Static HTML, CMS or an e-commerce platform. But for bloggers, WordPress and other CMS platforms are quickly becoming the norm….More at WordPress SEO Issues: How to Deal With Them | SiteProNews …